
New blog!

Hi! I moved my place. You can find me and my pictures at http://straight2heaven.wordpress.com/ . Also you can visit my site http://www.straight2heaven.ro Waiting for you there :)


Brown and wet

Leaves carried away by a mountain river last November. Love the colours!



No comment. That bunny is going to take my place for 3 years :D


Old and shiny

I found this sewing-machine in a room full of old stuff which was filled by the evening sunlight. The mahine is a great masterpiece from my point of view, I'm sorry I can't remember it's name, cause we Romanians do have this habit to give people names to objects. I like the thread that comes right down from the main body onto the needle.


Sweet November

Even when they are dead, they're beautiful. I took this photo last November. It's nice that the colour is so warm, regardless the bad weather.


I'm back!

Hey there! I'm back after a 2 week break in which I was a big part of the time away from the internet and my laptop. I was in Harsova, and since my angel with the camera was not with me, I took these picture with my phone's camera, which is very lame. But when i downloaded them, they turned out really neat, cause the quality is so low, they look like paintings, and they are pretty good, if we look at the scenery :). At least I like it :D

P.S. I'm doing this for you, baby. Love you!



The presence of green states that this wine is alive, i like it very much. The concrete in the background kinda represents the world today, all rough and cold, and the trunk is old and tired, but is always hope cause we manage to get to the surface, at least some of us


Are we invaded?

Fluffy, puffy, puff. This puff makes streets look in the summer like covered in snow.


My dream

My dream: to open my wings and fly to the United Kingdom. And it's going to come true this September :)